
Privacy Policy

The culture of Multi Portugal and Multi Spain is based on the principles of Corporate Responsibility. Its main values are the constant concern with ethical quality in relations with stakeholders, especially with regard to shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, the community and the environment.


Multi Portugal in the Management of its assets, provides Quality services, in a strategy of continuous improvement in meeting the needs and requirements of its stakeholders, namely its customers, as well as in complying with legal and other requirements, international and local, applicable to its activities, thus contributing to a sustained development of safe and healthy working conditions for its employees and partners, environmental protection and competitiveness. Thus, Multi Portugal, in a vision of proactive leadership, is committed to:


– Establish values of Corporate Responsibility, Initiative, Innovation and Quality;


– Evidence a culture of mobilization for the continuous improvement of Quality, Environment and Safety, oriented towards Excellence, Pollution Prevention and the achievement of High Safety Levels, based on the development of a common perception of the importance of prevention and the effectiveness of measures to eliminate hazards and reduce OSH risks;


– Promote Training and Awareness Raising of stakeholders in order to generate attitudes and practices oriented towards the use of the cleanest technologies and best available equipment. Also promote a commitment to worker consultation and participation;


– Define, control and operate its Processes, as part of an Integrated Management System, consistent with a culture that meets the expectations of Stakeholders and Society in general, namely preventing damage and minimizing risks to its employees and partners, as well as reducing impacts on the Environment;


– Provide the necessary resources and disclose the Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Social Responsibility commitments in a transparent manner to all levels of the Company, its suppliers and contractors, official entities, stakeholders and the general public;


– Evaluate and periodically review the performance of the Integrated Management System by Top Management, in accordance with established and approved procedures, with a view to continuous improvement and sustainability.



Privacy Statement – Multi Portugal



Lloyd’s Certification Portuguese

The culture of Multi Portugal and Multi Spain is based on the principles of Corporate Responsibility. Its main values are the constant concern with ethical quality in relations with stakeholders, especially with regard to shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, the community and the environment.


Multi Portugal in the Management of its assets, provides Quality services, in a strategy of continuous improvement in meeting the needs and requirements of its stakeholders, namely its customers, as well as in complying with legal and other requirements, international and local, applicable to its activities, thus contributing to a sustained development of safe and healthy working conditions for its employees and partners, environmental protection and competitiveness. Thus, Multi Portugal, in a vision of proactive leadership, is committed to:


– Establish values of Corporate Responsibility, Initiative, Innovation and Quality;


– Evidence a culture of mobilization for the continuous improvement of Quality, Environment and Safety, oriented towards Excellence, Pollution Prevention and the achievement of High Safety Levels, based on the development of a common perception of the importance of prevention and the effectiveness of measures to eliminate hazards and reduce OSH risks;


– Promote Training and Awareness Raising of stakeholders in order to generate attitudes and practices oriented towards the use of the cleanest technologies and best available equipment. Also promote a commitment to worker consultation and participation;


– Define, control and operate its Processes, as part of an Integrated Management System, consistent with a culture that meets the expectations of Stakeholders and Society in general, namely preventing damage and minimizing risks to its employees and partners, as well as reducing impacts on the Environment;


– Provide the necessary resources and disclose the Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Social Responsibility commitments in a transparent manner to all levels of the Company, its suppliers and contractors, official entities, stakeholders and the general public;


– Evaluate and periodically review the performance of the Integrated Management System by Top Management, in accordance with established and approved procedures, with a view to continuous improvement and sustainability.



Privacy Statement – Multi Portugal



Lloyd’s Certification Portuguese